Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I know we have a lot of winter left but spring is in the air this week . We are having some temp up in the low 40's and it feels great. The snow is melting and the horses are playing like young colts running in this warm southern breeze. I do not like to see an early break up because it just means a long one . When it breaks early it never ends early it just last longer. When break up does come my techniques change a bit . I do more single horse skidding to bunch wood into areas I can get to with my cart or loader them in the early mornings when the ground is frozen I  take it to a landing a truck can get at. i like working the horses single , I think it makes a horse a better horse. When you work a horse single you get to work very close with that animal one on one , you notice things about them that you might not working them in a team. After a week of this kind of work they even begin to act a little different I think. .  I also think it builds confidence in an animal if it is done in a proper way.
  I never like to rush my time, I like to enjoy the day and season I am in . A person can wish there lives away wanting it to be different than it is be it weather, were you live , day of the week , .......  I think people miss a lot by thinking this way I really try not to. I am enjoying this season of my life but when it is spring I will savor every moment of it as well , I love spring work. Taylor Johnson 

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